About Whitetail Wetlands:
Whitetail Wetlands began as a concept. The property lies in south-central Pennsylvania and is adjacent to Dunnings Creek Wetlands. It was a farm that had lain fallow after years of overuse. The fields were barren of trees and other natural vegetation. However, because it was gently sloping toward a stream and had the ability to act as a water conservation filtering system, the present owner decided that wetlands would be an ideal use for the property.
Activities on the Wetlands include photography, hiking, wagon rides, and much more...
The Wetlands Lodge is the hub of Whitetail Wetlands. It's more than a bed an breakfast...
While the Wetlands have enough to keep you busy, there is also alot to see not far away...
Winter in the wetlands? Yes...
The plants found at the wetlands are not just for show...
Learn about the animals found in the wetlands...